Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back to Square One

Well to those whom i promised i will be back, now is the time to fulfill it
yes I have a new blog now and i will focus and try to dedicate my time on Posting and yes on my blog.
I did realise it that some priority has to be set for everything
You will never find time unless you take out some and you learn how to manage things
The absentism from the other blog, the time contium in between did made me learn new things and important lessons of life.
For those, who i thought would never fail me, Proved me wrong
But then life has to go on with ups and downs
Sometimes you have to push it, while the other times you have to carry it with you
And yes, I did realise this that time is your Best Buddy. It wont leave you under any circumstances needless to say, if you curse it or bless it for anything
But anyways the good news is i am back
And the better one is that i will be regular

So let the posting start and yes i do expect beautiful comments from the beautiful people out there